Dash Continues to Gain Speed Throughout Nigeria

Dash Continues to Gain Speed Throughout Nigeria Since adopting the decentralized Dash as our go-to cryptocurrency in Nigeria, we have put the digital asset firmly on the map in this part of the world. While it was already a permanent fixture in the world’s top 10 cryptocurrencies, it remained an enigma here in the days before DashSquad; that all changed when our team began enthusiastically spreading the word about just how unique and efficient Dash was, representing as it does a convenient monetary solution for a range of everyday applications. While it would be gilding the lily to claim that every Nigerian you come across is now au fait with the digital currency formerly known as Darkcoin, a community of tech-savvy, outward-looking individuals has taken Dash into its heart, enamoured with its low fees, swift transactions and comparatively stable price – particularly when compared to other forms of cryptocurrency. But let’s talk about exactly what we’ve achieved during this whirlw

Dash Global Sponsored Meetup At Nimbuzz

So far the interests for our series of meet-ups have been encouraging. Today’s Meet-Up Held at Catholic Social Centre Independence way. Two people knew about Bitcoin. No one knew about Dash. We discussed what assets are, view the graph on Bittrex of Dash over the weeks and how its value has appreciated.

- Attendees: 5
- Wallets Open: 3
- No One knew about Dash


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